It Starts at the Core


I started Hexagon Health as a vehicle to lead the revolution in health care, as it pertains to hernias, and abdominal wall and pelvic floor health in general.

What is my process? My secret sauce?

Those who know me can attest that I am inquisitive, a critical thinker, and very detailed in how I view everything. When I meet you, I will notice the smallest details in your features and wardrobe. I approach my patient care in the same manner.

I am also a very patient person and a great listener. As such, I have been able to figure out details in the management of abdominal wall and groin diseases that many have not. I am relentless in solving problems, mystery illnesses, and getting all my patients to a healthy pain-free life.


Astrid Hartman

Excellent tutorial, one of the best I've seen and I sorely needed this step-by-step instruction. Thank you!